Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics,
Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU)
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Institute of Informatics,
Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU)
Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3
160 00 Prague 6, Dejvice, Czech Republic
GPS 50.1037711N, 14.3945119E
Introducing CIIRC CTU
The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) is an university institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). CIIRC CTU was founded on July 1, 2013 by the former rector of CTU prof. Václav Havlíček.
Objectives of CIIRC CTU
One of the main objectives of the CIIRC is to integrate information and cybernetic research and education at the CTU, building on the links to the out-of-city centers as well as on strong links with international research centers.
The CIIRC creates research and at the same time pedagogical workplaces with a scientific atmosphere, pleasant conditions for work and, in a number of areas, brings results at the level of the world’s top research.
The Institute opens its doors to experts from home and abroad, who can become part of the team in the form of a CIIRC CTU or work with it. A very significant part of the cooperation is also connected with other institutions within CTU, but also with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, with the industry and similarly oriented foreign institutions.
Present and near future
Since its inception CIIRC CTU has been constantly growing and its goal is to recruit up to 350 employees, especially researchers and PhD students. In April 2017, the institute moved to a new building, which was built at the CTU premises in Prague, Dejvice.
One of the key tasks is to link research results not only with university teaching and to attract students to research mainly from the master’s and doctoral study programs, but also with the needs of industrial and clinical practice.
CIIRC CTU becomes a place of interdisciplinary cooperation, which is natural for informatics, robotics and cybernetics. It opens the gates and greatly supports the transfer of know-how towards industry or other practices and, above all, leads its staff.